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Professional Insurance Agents of Nebraska and Iowa (PIA of NE/IA) is pleased to announce the recent installation of our 2020-2021 Officers and Board of Directors led by President Tyson Jordening of GTA Insurance Group in Blue Hill, NE.  Other officers installed were President-Elect Josh Marshall, CIC of Grinnell Mutual in Lincoln, NE, Treasurer Tyler Lichty of Suhr & Lichty Insurance in Seward, NE and Immediate Past President, R.J. Gall, CIC, CPIA of Agri-City in Norfolk, NE.  Board of Directors include:  Steven Alder, CIC, of INSPRO in O'Neill, NE, Robyn Geiser, CPIA of Arnold Insurance in Cozad, NE, Amy Kotas, CIC, CPIA, CPSR of Loup City, NE, and Patrick Wehling, CIC, CPIA of Wehling Insurance Agency in Nebraska City, NE.  Mark Suhr, CIC of Suhr & Lichty in Seward, NE continues to serve as a PIA National Director.

President's Welcome

Date: 10/30/2020

To:  Members of Professional Insurance Agents of NE & IA

From:  Tyson Jordening, PIA of NE/IA President, 2020-2021

Thank you for the confidence you have instilled in me as your President of Professional Insurance Agents of Nebraska and Iowa for the 2020-2021 term. After being on the PIA board for many years, it is clear to me that Nebraska and Iowa have a great group of independent agents who are passionate about our industry.

The most important asset any organization can have are its members. The members of PIA are some of the finest insurance industry professionals who continue to collaborate to enhance the quality and viability of our industry.  I would encourage you to get involved in PIA through your participation in events, CE courses, committees, and convention. Although Covid-19 has made our networking events much more challenging, we encourage you to continue to be involved.  Encourage other agents you know to join PIA.  Younger agents, especially, need to be involved & active in the association to help perpetuate the industry for many generations to come.  The PIA continues to be "your voice" and advocate for you in Washington & also at the state level.

I'm glad I made the decision to be an active member of PIA.  The people I've met by being involved has been the best choice yet as an insurance professional.  I've grown as an individual on the educational side as well, not only through the many education courses offered by PIA of NE/IA, but from my peers that have been faced with many of the same challenges that we deal with day-to-day in insurance.  Knowledge is key and vital to being a professional insurance agent.

Please let us know at PIA of NE/IA how we can help you in the growth and prosperity of your agency.  Hope to see you soon at a PIA event!

Tyson Jordening
GTA Insurance Group
Blue Hill, NE

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Tyson Jordening is a 2011 Hastings College graduate. He has nearly 10 years of insurance experience and understanding and is employed as a Location Manager/Shareholder with GTA Insurance Group, managing their Blue Hill, NE location. Tyson currently serves on the PIA Board of Directors and is the President of the Blue Hill Community Foundation. In his free time, he enjoys the outdoors, playing and watching sporting events, and spending time with his family. Tyson resides in Blue Hill with his wife, Nikki, daughter, Rykan, and two sons, Beckham and Brooks.

READ Full Press Release HERE.

Date: 6/29/2020

To: Members of Professional Insurance Agents of NE & IA

From:  R.J. Gall, PIA of NE/IA President, 2019-2020


Today in a ZOOM meeting we installed our new PIA of NE/IA Officers for the 2020-2021 year. Please help us thank and congratulate our outgoing President, RJ Gall of Agri-City.

RJ would like to convey his thanks to PIA members as well.

"Serving as your 2019-2020 President of Professional Insurance Agents of NE & IA has been a pleasure and a privilege.  Although we never dreamed at the start of my Presidency in June of 2019 the types of challenges we now face today, we are steadily getting through it and rising to the challenge.  Your association is still working strong behind the scenes to ensure you have the resources and education you need as an Independent insurance agent.  I will now serve as immediate Past President of PIA NE/IA for the 2020-2021 year and will continue to support PIA.   I am pleased to pass the torch into the very capable hands of Tyson Jordening as your new President, along with all of our officers and Board of Directors of PIA."

Date:  April 9, 2020



To: Members of Professional Insurance Agents of NE & IA



From: R.J. Gall, PIA of NE/IA President, 2019-2020



These past few weeks have been a trying time on all of us.  The progressively serious situation of COVID-19 has impacted every part of our lives, including our opportunities to learn and grow as an association of Insurance agents in Nebraska and Iowa. 

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) of Nebraska and Iowa we have made the difficult decision to cancel our annual convention and the accompanying golf outing for June 3rd & 4th of 2020 that was to be held in Lincoln, NE.  The health and safety of our members and key partners to our association is always foremost in our mind. 


This decision was particularly difficult as 2020 marked our 70th year as an Association for Insurance Agents in Nebraska and Iowa.

For 70 years, PIA has served the local agent who has served Main Street America.  Now, more than ever before, we are critically needed in our community as leaders and supporters for their needs.


Despite the cancellation of our convention we still have multiple opportunities for you to learn with your peers and make important connections.  Please take advantage of the following events for our PIA of NE/IA members and partners:
  • Free Webinars for Members Only on June 4th and August 5th – Approved by Utica for Loss Control Discount and 3 Ethics CE hours!

  • Scholarship Golf Outing on Sept 10th in Ashland, NE – Support our scholarship fund for youth entering the insurance industry

  • Farm Seminar on Oct. 20th in Columbus NE – Registration opening on May 1, 2020

Some other benefits as members you should be aware of:

Finally, PIA is your advocate at the state level and on Capitol Hill. We have your best interest at heart for all thing’s government related.  Please take a moment to read how PIA National is actively involved in the efforts to provide emergency support for employees and business during the Coronavirus pandemic.   

Don’t forget to proudly display the PIA logo on your website, letterhead, and business cards to show your clients that YOU are a PROFESSIONAL INSURANCE AGENT who abides by the ethics and protocols your clients deserve and expect.

As always, we wish you good health as we navigate through our new normal of living with this pervasive virus in our midst. 

R.J. Gall, CIC


PIA of NE/IA President 2019-2020

Agri-City Insurance

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PIA of Nebraska & Iowa
11932 Arbor Street, Suite 100
Omaha, NE 68144

(402) 392-1611

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